In the ever changing world of sales and marketing, understanding your audience is crucial for success. One aspect often overlooked is the concept of buyer types – the different personalities individuals exhibit when making purchasing decisions. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the four main buyer types and explore how you can tailor your […]


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In the ever changing world of sales and marketing, understanding your audience is crucial for success. One aspect often overlooked is the concept of buyer types – the different personalities individuals exhibit when making purchasing decisions. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the four main buyer types and explore how you can tailor your […]

Talking to someone new can be super scary. You might wonder what to say or worry about what they’ll think of you. Will they think you’re just trying to sell them something? Or maybe you’re not sure if the chat will even lead anywhere. Ever felt like that? Lots of people have, including me. So, […]

Discover effective lead generation strategies to attract, nurture, and convert leads into sales. Learn how to tailor your approach across platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, and build meaningful business relationships. Analyze your content, keywords, and processes to confidently connect with your ideal audience. Elevate your strategy and boost visibility by optimizing how you engage with leads. Explore more insights on creating authentic connections, especially for introverts, and grow your business with purpose.

Discover effective lead generation strategies to attract, nurture, and convert leads into sales. Learn how to tailor your approach across platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, and build meaningful business relationships. Analyze your content, keywords, and processes to confidently connect with your ideal audience. Elevate your strategy and boost visibility by optimizing how you engage with leads. Explore more insights on creating authentic connections, especially for introverts, and grow your business with purpose.

Discover effective lead generation strategies to attract, nurture, and convert leads into sales. Learn how to tailor your approach across platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, and build meaningful business relationships. Analyze your content, keywords, and processes to confidently connect with your ideal audience. Elevate your strategy and boost visibility by optimizing how you engage with leads. Explore more insights on creating authentic connections, especially for introverts, and grow your business with purpose.

Welcome to my space, my community!! I’m Amber, a kinda crunchy boy mom that is a lead generation coach to service providers in the online space helping them to build connected communities. Who else is a kinda crunchy mom, the kind that still makes Kraft Dinner and hot dogs but will give you raw honey […]

You're introverted BFF! 
I'm a kinda crunchy mom , in that I will give you organic KD and make you eat your garlic next to the fried chicken fingers. I usually have a coffee, water or wine in my hand while engaging with you in messenger on social media. 

I love a good small talk conversation but understand that it gets tiresome, especially as a business owner. I have created a quick guide for you to manage those messages easier. 

hEY, i'M aMBER

Authentic Connections for Introverts