There are so many rumours about hashtags lately it will make your head spin. They are anything from they don’t matter anymore, don’t use all 30 hashtags, density doesn’t matter anymore. Of course the question of do I put them in the comments or in the caption? The thing is, I can tell you one […]


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There are so many rumours about hashtags lately it will make your head spin. They are anything from they don’t matter anymore, don’t use all 30 hashtags, density doesn’t matter anymore. Of course the question of do I put them in the comments or in the caption? The thing is, I can tell you one […]

You're introverted BFF! 
I'm a kinda crunchy mom , in that I will give you organic KD and make you eat your garlic next to the fried chicken fingers. I usually have a coffee, water or wine in my hand while engaging with you in messenger on social media. 

I love a good small talk conversation but understand that it gets tiresome, especially as a business owner. I have created a quick guide for you to manage those messages easier. 

hEY, i'M aMBER

Authentic Connections for Introverts