In the online space, building an online community isn’t just about attracting ideal clients. It’s about creating a diverse network of individuals who bring a variety of perspectives, skills, and experiences to the table. A rich and diverse online community can enhance your personal and professional growth. This offers opportunities for collaboration and networking that […]


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In the online space, building an online community isn’t just about attracting ideal clients. It’s about creating a diverse network of individuals who bring a variety of perspectives, skills, and experiences to the table. A rich and diverse online community can enhance your personal and professional growth. This offers opportunities for collaboration and networking that […]

Have you ever decided not to leave a comment or publish that post because you didn’t want to stir the pot? As an introvert, you might find yourself avoiding conflict and preferring more intimate, one-on-one conversations. Public debates can feel overwhelming, and the thought of getting caught in the middle of a heated discussion might […]

Introverted moms, have you ever experienced that uncanny feeling of closeness with someone you’ve only interacted with online? It’s like they understand you on a deeper level, despite never meeting face-to-face. Maybe you’ve joined their webinar or participated in their online community, and you find yourself wondering, “How do they do it?” The Secret to […]

Introverted moms, have you ever experienced that uncanny feeling of closeness with someone you’ve only interacted with online? It’s like they understand you on a deeper level, despite never meeting face-to-face. Maybe you’ve joined their webinar or participated in their online community, and you find yourself wondering, “How do they do it?” The Secret to […]

Introverted moms, have you ever experienced that uncanny feeling of closeness with someone you’ve only interacted with online? It’s like they understand you on a deeper level, despite never meeting face-to-face. Maybe you’ve joined their webinar or participated in their online community, and you find yourself wondering, “How do they do it?” The Secret to […]

In the age of social media and instant messaging, small talk has become both a foundation and a stumbling block in our interactions. there’s a way out of this loop, and it starts with being intentional and assertive in your communication.

You're introverted BFF! 
I'm a kinda crunchy mom , in that I will give you organic KD and make you eat your garlic next to the fried chicken fingers. I usually have a coffee, water or wine in my hand while engaging with you in messenger on social media. 

I love a good small talk conversation but understand that it gets tiresome, especially as a business owner. I have created a quick guide for you to manage those messages easier. 

hEY, i'M aMBER

Authentic Connections for Introverts